
Required Forms for all Obedience classes 

If you try to register and are told the class has filled, please send an email to tropicsk9academy@gmail.com. 


Dog Obedience Class Descriptions 





Sundays at AYP (4423 SW 74th Ave) 


Sunday class dates: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 July 7 


 9:30am Intro to Novice with Tricks Novice


 10:30am Intro to Open with Tricks Intermediate 


 11:30am Open and Utility Competition



Mondays at PAWS(8935 SW 129th Ave)

Monday class dates: June 3, 10, 17, 24 July 1, 8 

6:00pm Versatility with Rally Int and Adv

7:00pm Novice with Rally Novice

8:00pm Intro to Novice


Thursdays at PAWS(8935 SW 129th Ave)

Thursday class dates: June 6, 13, 20, 27 July 1, 11 no class July 4

5:00pm Open with Rally Advanced 

6:00pm Intro to Open with Rally Intermediate 

7:00pm Novice with Rally Novice 

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